The White Company

   engineering excellence

   "new life for old/ historic buildings"

Colorado Springs & Trinidad, Colorado
Lucca, Italy


The Engineering Profession has traditionally been based on the consulting model. Engineers are hired to solve problems and design the resulting solution. It begins with some form of a “problem statement” and ends when the problem has been resolved. The employment relationship then ends and the engineer goes on to new problems.

We alter this tradition slightly in that we see our role as being the advocate for the building, seeking to do what is best for the building – and more importantly staying with the building for the long term. We continually collect information and data about the building and as our knowledge grows so does out ability to both anticipate problems, solve them and make the building more succesful.

We work with you to find solutions to complex building problems and to design projects to adapt old/ historic buildings to your exact needs.

The greenest/ most sustainable building is the one that is already built. The core of our business is the reuse of existing buildings. We combine engineering and sustainability techniques to make your building cost effective and efficient.

From high profile national level historic buildings to simple old commercial buildings we devote out attention to keeping these treasures in service making them successful.